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A brilliant night with some amazing costumes! Thanks P6 and all the volunteers who gave up their Wednesday night,we all had great fun.
This week we're learning to tell the time. Some of us used Play Dough to create the hands of a clock to tell o'clock & half past times. Others tested each other telling quarter past & quarter to using the clock faces. Some were working on changing between analogue & digital times. We also used ... Continue reading "P3A Learning"
Read, write and Count and Book Bug bags are gifted by the Scottish Book Trust to all Scottish children in Primary 1 to Primary 3 By providing access to books this helps to develop language, communication and literacy ; and children's development as readers, as well as providing opportunities for bonding and attachment; relaxation; and comfort ... Continue reading "Book Bag Events P1-3"
Last week we were learning to use the element of line to draw what we see. We looked closely at a leaf and thought about the shape of it and the lines of the veins. We then drew its outline and tried and copy where all the lines were. Next we looked at the leaf ... Continue reading "P3A Learning"
During Book Week Scotland (which begins on 18th November) we celebrate reading for enjoyment and aim to show our pupils that adults enjoy sharing books and stories too. We love to welcome in adults as Secret Readers who come along to read a short story or chapter aloud to classes. We would be delighted to ... Continue reading "Calling all Secret Readers ... can you help?"
We have had another busy week with our learning. We are continuing to work with giving exact amounts of money and giving change. We also keep extending our knowledge of times tables. As we have been learning about Farming, we decided to write a description of a tractor. We used our plan to inform our ... Continue reading "P3A Learning"
All of our P7's and P6's were very fortunate to get to visit The Robotarium at Heriot Watt University over the last few weeks. Some of us got to meet Ameca - the worlds most advanced human shaped robot - and asked it some hard hitting questions like 'how big is the universe?', 'will robots take over ... Continue reading "Robotarium Visit "
Wow,how amazing is this! Emmy and Victoria have made up a game inspired by our class novel Light on Dumyat by Rennie McOwan. The name of their clan is a mix of their two surnames and the game involves all the skills you would need for an adventure in the Scottish hills,just like Gavin,Clare,Michael and ... Continue reading "The Clan Merob! P6"
This week has been out of this world! Literally! We've been very fortunate to have some real meteorite samples loaned to us from the Royal Observatory in Edinburgh. What an amazing opportunity to hold, feel and look at some incredible rocks that have been travelling through space for millions (and even billions) of years. Everyone ... Continue reading "Meteorites!"
We were very lucky during Maths Week to have two visitors come in to tell us how they use Maths in their daily work. Mr Malik is a software engineer and uses Maths all the time when he is writing code. He even created a game to show us how the software worked. Then we ... Continue reading "Maths Week in P3A"
Maths Week P6 Miss Niven joined us for Maths Week and demonstrated how P6 could combine our maths skills with expressive arts, as they learnt about the role of stage management in theatre. The children learnt about stage directions, technical stage drawings, and setting a stage, and how these elements all use maths. They first ... Continue reading "Maths Week Scotland in P6"
This week we have had great fun listening to maths stories. We listened to 'Jack the Builder'. It was all about 3d shapes. We worked in groups to create our own models with 3d shapes and explored their properties. We made up an addition sum to work out 'How Many Feet in the Bed?' after ... Continue reading "Maths Week Scotland in P2A"