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This week we have been completing lots of work inspired by the story Ruby's Worry. It will be used for a West Lothian Council Creativity in Literacy Competition. Please see Sway to find out about our learning. P3A Creativity in Literacy We based our competition entry on the book Ruby's Worry by Tom Percival. This ... Continue reading "P3A Learning"
Fun was had at our very first After School Lego Club this week. We had Lego sets of an aircraft, turtle, squirrel and more being built. Some very creative children also built their own models. Check back in the next few weeks when they will describe their models to us.
We have started the term with a very busy few weeks in Drama. It has been lovely working with every class and the children should be so proud of how much they have embraced their new learning opportunities in Drama, with a positive attitude and eagerness to learn. Well done everyone! Below are a few ... Continue reading "Future Oscar Winning Actors in East Calder Primary!"