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Donate your old Devices! Got any old smartphones, tablets, routers, gaming consoles, cameras or laptops and cables that you no longer need? Don't know what to do with them and don't want them going to landfill? This could be the answer! As part of our Eco learning on sustainability, East Calder Primary is joining with ... Continue reading "Donate your old Devices!"


All of our P7's and P6's were very fortunate to get to visit The Robotarium at Heriot Watt University over the last few weeks. Some of us got to meet Ameca - the worlds most advanced human shaped robot - and asked it some hard hitting questions like 'how big is the universe?', 'will robots take over ... Continue reading "Robotarium Visit "


This week has been out of this world! Literally! We've been very fortunate to have some real meteorite samples loaned to us from the Royal Observatory in Edinburgh. What an amazing opportunity to hold, feel and look at some incredible rocks that have been travelling through space for millions (and even billions) of years. Everyone ... Continue reading "Meteorites!"

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