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Scots Week in P6

Our Class novel is Hag Storm. It is written by Victoria Williamson. Hag Storm is based on the life of Robert Burns and one of his most famous poems, Tam O'Shanter. The class did really well to identify some of the similarities not only with the characters but also the way both writers built suspense ... Continue reading "Scots Week in P6"

Victorian Artefact Handling in P6

We were fortunate enough to have a visit from West Lothian Museum services this week. Linking with our current Social Studies context we enjoyed an afternoon of Victorian artefacts! The class were allowed to handle a lot of the items and were amazed to see how things have progressed since Victorian times, even though we ... Continue reading "Victorian Artefact Handling in P6"

Problem Solving in The Hive

For the last couple of weeks we have had a focus on problem solving and life skills. The children were set different challenges in the Block Play and were able to focus and work as a team to create some wonderful buildings. Eoin was also helping Mr F fix his bike. He was able to ... Continue reading "Problem Solving in The Hive"

P3 Learning

We have been developing our core stability and balance. We have highlighted key points for balancing effectively and efficiently with control. We have been also been learning how to travel safely in a variety of ways across equipment. This week we were using our body to create different shapes. We have learned how to make ... Continue reading "P3 Learning"

Primary 1

It was great to see so many parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles who came to our 'Sharing the Learning'! Primary 1 were so excited to share some of their Scots Week activities. We made kilts, a model Nessie (using our push, pull and twist forces), built castles and discussed and ate some Scottish food. We ... Continue reading "Primary 1"

Learning in P2/1

During languages week we taught each other how to say 'hello' in different languages. In our class, we can say hello, in Urdu, Polish, French, Portuguese, Spanish and British Sign Language! We are really enjoying our music lessons with Dave. We have been playing shakers to tell a story about a ... Continue reading "Learning in P2/1"

Ethical Living in Primary 7

In Primary 7 we have gathered our questions and curiosities about our Ethical Living context. Have a look at some of the questions we have come up with. We have already started to explore ethical branding, toilet rolls and how our eggs are produced and farmed. We are planning our questions around what might affect ... Continue reading "Ethical Living in Primary 7"

French Tasting in P6 & P7

This morning we had a French tasting session between Primary 6 and Primary 7. We had the opportunity to taste a variety of some French themed foods including: brie, camembert, croissants, brioche and baguettes. The pupils then had to record their views about the foods and research how to say them in French. We had ... Continue reading "French Tasting in P6 & P7"

Expositions - Persuasive Writing in P7

Our pupils have been completing their writing journeys by pairing appropriate graphics with their writing, then they moved on to checking their writing targets. After this they record and read their writing to try and persuade us even more. I am sure a few of us will be persuaded on this one! Have a look ... Continue reading "Expositions - Persuasive Writing in P7"

P3 Learning

We are growing in confidence in using arrays to help with our division. We looked at different arrays and were able to write the 4 family calculations that go with them. Two multiplication and 2 division. ie. 5 x 4 = 20, 4 x 5 = 20, 20 / 4 = 5 & 20 / ... Continue reading "P3 Learning"

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