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Glow Blogs


'This week we have been learning about Barbara Hepworth. She made sculptures.' Alfie. 'We used clay to make shape sculptures.' Kayla. 'Mine was called the Tunnel Tree' Leonor. It was Science Week this week. Mrs Beattie set us all a challenge. 'We had to stretch a curly wurly' Mia. 'We had to warm it up ... Continue reading "P2/1"

P3 Learning

Last week we were tested on our hardest table. A lot of us then moved onto a new times table. We wrote all the arrays in our jotters. Today we worked with someone who was on the same times table as us and tested each other on making arrays for different calculations. We then challenged ... Continue reading "P3 Learning"

This week in P2

This week in P2 we took part in science week and did the curly wurly challenge. We had to work in teams to try and stretch the curly wurly as much as possible and then measure it to gather our results. We have been looking at tally marks and graphs in numeracy this week and ... Continue reading "This week in P2"

Primary 1

This week in P1 we have been learning our new sound ee and revising ch,sh and th. Thank you to everyone who presented a talk about their favourite toy, what a variety of toys! In Maths, we have been using our playdough to help learn about halves and quarters. As it was Science Week, we ... Continue reading "Primary 1"

British Science Week 2024

Last week we celebrated British Science Week in school by completing some exciting science challenges! Every class was tasked with trying to see how far they could stretch a Curly Wurly. The world record is 426.2cm - did we manage to beat it? Not quite - but one team was pretty close! What a fun ... Continue reading "British Science Week 2024"

P3 Learning

We worked with a random partner to look at the patterns between the 2 and 4 times tables. We worked out that if you multiplied the answers for the 2 you would get the answer for the 4. We then wondered if we could do this again and work out the 8 times table even ... Continue reading "P3 Learning"

This week in P2

We have been working hard on tally charts and data handling in maths and we have begun to look at creating our own bar charts. We have enjoyed looking at procedure texts in writing and creating our own. We have been working hard practising for our Easter assembly this week as well. It was also ... Continue reading "This week in P2"

P6 had a whale of a time......

P6 were fortunate enough to visit The Oriam at Heriot-Watt University today. We met Hope! Hope is a life-size inflatable whale. Hope measures 13m long and 8m wide, similar to a real-life humpback whale. She also looks like a real-life humpback whale both outside and inside. We were fortunate enough to go inside Hope. This ... Continue reading "P6 had a whale of a time......"

Sign language in P5A

Ella in P5A has been learning British Sign Language and this week she volunteered to teach a short lesson to the class. We learned how to sign please, thank you, hello and goodbye and then we practised signing our names. Next time, Ella and Emma will be teaching us how to sign all the letters ... Continue reading "Sign language in P5A"

Sharing the Learning in P7/6

We had a wonderful time sharing our learning with our parents, carers, grandparents and family. We worked hard to set out different stations with different tasks, to showcase what we have been learning. The pupils created different activities which were enjoyed by everyone who came. Everyone was full engaged in what they were doing and ... Continue reading "Sharing the Learning in P7/6"

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