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In P5...

Last week P5 continued to look at more of our Scots language through stories and poems written by lots of different authors. We explored these in our reciprocal reading roles too.

We created our own Scots dictionary during our ICT lesson. We used class notebook/our electronic jotters to present our work using a range of Microsoft word tools. We also listened to an online lesson from two different authors all about their books and the life of Robert Burns. Hag Storm seemed to be our favourite and we hope to read this in class soon.

We enjoyed listening to pupils recite their Scottish poems in class and during our whole school Teams assembly last week and today.

We have finished off our information handling topic and will start exploring fractions, decimals and percentages next. We will continue to work on our division of numbers using mental and written strategies, as well as our knowledge of times tables.

This week in P5… we have been exploring fractions within our number talks. We have been figuring out what language to use and how to find fractions of shapes, numbers and objects while sharing our strategies with each other.

In literacy we tried out a new talking and listening resource called PM oracy which we loved using on the iPads. We also started a new genre of writing and look forward to learning all about recounts.

We also started our new topic called The War Years. We enjoyed learning historical information, taking notes, answering questions and exploring BBC Bitesize to develop our research skills.


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