P2/1 Learning this week
Primary 2/1, it was a short week of learning but we still managed to learn lots of new things.
Primary 1s, we worked on our numbers 11-20 and we used our cubes and paired up with a partner to use lots of fingers to show different ways of making the numbers 12 and 13. We enjoy our learning from the board that gives us lots of active learning tasks to practise our understanding and we enjoy our Numberblock videos and our discussions about where we see Numbers outside of the school (shops, buses, doors and registration plates). In Literacy we moved onto a new reading book and practised that alongside our longer sentences from the board. Primary 1s also carried out Class Talks this week on ‘My Favourite Animal’. The whole class had to remember our rules about a quality audience and when presenting you had to remember to talk in a loud, clear voice whilst making good eye contact with your audience. I was so impressed with the amount of facts you could remember and how well you answered the three questions at the end. Well done, Primary 1s.
Primary 2s, we progressed in our learning of the time; quarter to/past the hour and you applied this new learning to your airport/train station theme (where you are applying learning ownership). In writing you practised more of the new phonics from last week (st, ft and mp) and you made some beautiful pyramid writing to learn your spelling words. Primary 2s also carried out some beautiful handwriting whilst learning the spelling of words commonly used.
In our Romans topic we learned about the Roman Army and Forts. We learned all about what they would need to survive in the fort long-term and then we created our own versions of these using card and coloured pens. We had a lot of good discussion on why the Romans used metal in their armour and what the Roman Empire entailed (invasion of countries). We also enjoyed a new Roman mythical story about the Goddess Juno and the Golden Chair. Primary 2/1 are thoroughly enjoying these mythical stories and we will soon transform one of our corridor walls into a storyboard of these myths.
In French we practised our weather question ‘Quel temps fait-il?’ What’s the weather like? We practised our answers Il fait beau, Il fait froid, Il fait gris, Il pleut and Il neige. (It’s nice, it’s cold, it’s cloudy, it’s raining and it’s snowing). We also reminded ourselves of our commands. It was fun doing the actions fast for these!
Have a great weekend,
Best wishes
Mrs Meikle