P2/1 Learning This Week
Primary 2/1 – you have worked hard this week!
In Language, Primary 1 are practising their reading, writing and handwriting each week now. The children are learning to read longer sentences using their phonics to sound out cvc and ccvc words. Some children are also blending and reading much longer words using their phonics knowledge. In writing we are working hard on thinking about all of the sounds in a word as we write it down.
In Language, Primary 2 practised Instructional Writing for the second time – this time we ‘walked through’ ‘How To Make A Jam Sandwich’. The Primary 2s were very wise this week and remembered the rules from last week’s handwashing instructional writing. Primary 2s were also practising spelling with their new phonic sounds – st, ft and mp (e.g. first, lift and bump). They enjoyed learning to use a dictionary to look up some words as part of their Clarifying lesson in Comprehension.
In Numeracy, Primary 1 did more work on learning numbers 11-20 and Primary 2s learned their half-past times on digital. The Primary 2s were also given some learner agency in this area and they enhanced a Time Traveller mini-whiteboard game that was introduced in the class earlier in the week. The children went on to developing it further into an airport and train station context and one pupil created a detailed map of a train station and airport including clocks placed within it. Some rich dialogue around time could be heard during this game.
In our Romans topic the whole class loved the Romulus and Remus mythical story about the alleged Founders of Rome who were raised by a she-wolf when they were babies. The children made their own stick puppets and re-enacted the story through puppet drama.
In French we learned the weather and used weather sticks to interact with one another whilst asking ‘What’s the weather like?’ and to answer these : It’s a lovely day; It’s raining; It’s cloudy; It’s snowing; It’s cold. The children also very much love when Tidot, our French mascot, visits the lesson.
In Word Boost, where we introduce four WOW words in a weekly story, the children very much loved dramatising this at the end of the week. They were excellent at remembering their speaking parts and also used great listening skills whilst others were talking.
I hope you have a lovely holiday weekend, Primary 2/1.
Primary 1s, I look forward to hearing your class talks on your favourite animals next Tuesday.
Best wishes,
Mrs Meikle