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P2/1 Learning this week

Primary 2/1 have had a great week of learning.

In Maths, Primary 1s were learning about doing a survey of information then presenting the results in a block graph.  Our survey was about our eye colours.  We learned that presenting it in a block graph made it much easier to see the results quickly and clearly.  Primary 1s also practised counting forwards to 20 this week.  The Primary 2 children are learning Time and focused on half-past on analogue clocks.  They made their own clocks and then showed the Primary 1s how to place the hands to make ‘half-past’ times.

In Literacy, Primary 1s spent the week reading and writing.  We read our reading books before sending these home and in writing we wrote sentences dictated by the teacher.  We had a few things to remember to be successful in our writing:  capital letters, full stops, finger spaces between words and sounding out all of the words and making sure to write each sound down in the right order.  They then listened to my individual feedback afterwards to know how to improve the next time.  Primary 2s were learning the sounds ng and nk and in writing  they learned how to write an Instruction.  The instruction was ‘How To Wash Your Hands’ and firstly the children had to tell the teacher each step in washing hands – at the sink the teacher followed each step literally and the children understood how important it was to make the instruction very clear.  The children also learned about how to write an instruction correctly and they thought imperative verbs (bossy verbs) were funny, for example.  Wash/ Rinse/ Dry/.  These are verbs that tell us what to do.  They also learned about using Sequencers, for example, First, Next, Last etc.

In Science we are learning all about our Senses with Mrs Beattie.

Our topic is The Romans and the children discussed what they knew already and what they’d like to learn which includes learning about transport, food, houses and wars.  They also looked for Italy and Rome on a real map and made their own flag of Italy.  They learned the Latin words for boy and girl – puer et puella.

Thank you for returning all the Primary 1 reading books in the book bags (which protects our books).  I hope you enjoyed listening to the children sound, blend and read.  Primary 2s, your reading homework starts next week in line with the other Primary 2 classes.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and I look forward to hearing all your news tomorrow.

Best wishes,

Mrs Meikle

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