P4/3 Red Nose Day
Today we dressed a superheroes and donated some money towards Comic Relief to support people living incredibly tough lives. This year their aim is to use the power of funny to turn laughs into lasting change. We told each other jokes to make us laugh!
Rory “Why did the fish blush?- because the sea- weed!”
Chloe “Why did the children eat their homework?- because the teacher said it was a piece of cake!”
Cameron “Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the shops! Do you think that is funny? No? Neither did the chicken the shop was closed!”
Lilia “Knock, Knock, Who’s there?, Boo, Boo who? Don’t cry!”
Amhlaidh “Where do you go in a Zombie attack? The LIVING room!”
Chloe K-L “Knock Knock, Who’s there? Red, Red who?, Red Nose!”
Molly “I lost my cat, I found my cat, he didn’t know me! I said it’s Me! he scratched me! Me- OW!”
Jakson “What do you call a fish with no eyes? FSHHHHHH”
Faith “What is black and white and black and white and black and white? A Panda rolling down a hill!”
Rosie “Knock knock, Who’s there? Doctor, Doctor Who? You just said it!”
Ella “I started walking across the street, someone else started walking across. The person had a milk carton in their hand. They threw the milk carton at me and I said, how DAIRY!”
Simar “Knock knock, who’s there, lettuce, lettuce who? Lettuce in!”
Ellie- Mae “Knock knock, who’s there, chill, chill who? I chill like you!”
Ben “Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side! How did the cat cross the road? It was attached to the chicken!”