Primary 2/1 - This week's learning from 1st March
Dear Primary 2/1,
Thank you for a great week of listening and hard work. You are all very much enjoying being back and enjoying your familiar space in the classroom and seeing all of your friends.
In Literacy this week, the Primary 1s have been working hard on learning their digraphs sounds – oo, ee, ie .
Primary 2s have been learning more about what makes a sentence a question and in writing they used their success critieria list to help them write the perfect questions for Willie Wonka.
In Numeracy, Primary 1s completed more work on subtraction and were also introduced to Fractions; learning about a ‘whole’ and a ‘half’ and what makes a ‘half’ (it has to be exactly the same size as the other half’).
Primary 2s did more learning on missing subtrahends, addends and number sequencing.
On Thursday we had World Book Day activities and the children very much enjoyed listening to stories being read to them by P7 pupils via Teams. P2/1 also watched a video about a Book Cover Designer and they learned lots about what he does. P2/1 enjoyed completing his task of designing their own Book Cover and the book was to be about them. They also enjoyed making their own mini-book from paper and completing a front cover, mini-story and illustrations.
Primary 2/1 are very much enjoying their Topic – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. They are also enjoying learning about Plants in Science and learning some Bible Stories in RME with links into Technology.
Thank you for sending in photos of your favourite book.
Have a great weekend, Primary 2/1.
Mrs Meikle