P2/1 Learning this week beginning 22nd February 2021
Welcome back class Primary 2/1. You have settled in well to your routines this week and it’s been lovely to see everyone again. This week we focused on overlearn of some of the numeracy and language learning we did during Remote Learning period and we also learned some new things.
Primary 1, in Language we learned our sounds sh, ch and th and practised writing these in our handwriting books. In Numeracy we did more work on subtraction and made a giant flower with bugs for it and red crosses to mark out our takeaway numbers. We used this method for our new subtraction books and we practised takeaways on our mini whiteboards too.
Primary 2, in Language we learned about when and how to use Question Marks and in Numeracy we did more work on Place Value and 2D shapes. In Place Value we had a great conversation about representing the number 23 in cubes. We discussed whether two cubes beside three cubes was 23. We then explored how to represent 23 properly with cubes and began to understand the true value of 2 = 20.
Also, in Language, we started to learn our Days of the Week in French as well as overlearning these in English and our Months of the Year in English too.
We learned lots more about Chinese New Year and the ancient blue monster Nian who was scared of the colour red, fire, noise and bright lights – and that this is the reason why the Chinese use all of these at Chinese New Year e.g. firecrackers and loud drums. We also talked about Fortune Cookies and tried out chopsticks.
We have started to learn about Fair Trade and how chocolate is made and we’ve also started reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl for our 5 week topic.
Thank you for your hard work, Primary 2/1. Have a great weekend.
Mrs Meikle