P2/1 Remote Learning
Dear Primary 2/1,
You’ve had a fantastic week of learning! Well done on all of your incredible hard work.
Primary 1s, in Literacy we have been learning to build cvc words using our sounds and also learning a new sound ‘oo’. We also did some work on learning our tricky/sight words. In Numeracy we have been learning more about o’clock times and also more on adding within ten. We have also enjoyed the stories The Very Busy Spider and Chrysanthemum to help with our Listening skills. In Health and Wellbeing we learned about brushing our teeth and also about calm and relaxing breathing.
Primary 2s, in Literacy we have been learning to read and write magic e words with an ‘i’. We also completed our exciting middle part to our imaginative story. In Numeracy we started to learning about fractions and where these are in the real world. We also did more work on missing addends and number sequences. In Health and Wellbeing we were learning about how what a good friend is. In STEM we enjoyed learning about different types of bridges and how to make one out of recycled materials.