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P2/1 Remote and Classroom Learning

Well done to all of Primary 2/1 for such hard work this week.  I enjoy seeing the one or two of you in class each week and all the rest of you on Seesaw.  Thank you for all of your photos and videos as well as your hard work – these give me so much joy to see.

Primary 1 have been working hard in learning to tell the time.  We started with ordering days of the week then months of the year before learning about the analogue clock and the o’clock hours.  We had fun making our own clocks with paper plates in class and digitally on Seesaw.  We have also been learning a new sound ‘wh’ and been doing lots of activities to consolidate our learning in this.  We enjoyed our Listening and Talking activities around different stories; Grumpy Cat and The Listening Walk.

Primary 2 have been working very hard in reading, writing and Numeracy.  We have been learning the magic e sound and been using our spelling words and activities to learn this more.  There have been some fantastic photos of spelling work where no pencils or papers were used at all!  In writing we learned about how to write a story and that there is a beginning, middle and end. This week we started our beginning and we introduced our characters and set the scene.  In numeracy we challenged ourselves and started to learn the three times tables and we used objects from home to show how we can separate them into three equal groups.


Keep up the great work, Primary 2/1.

Mrs Meikle




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