Learning in P1
P1 have been continuing to practise their sounds.
‘I liked making the dinosuar when we were learning the ‘d’ sound’ Felicity.
‘I liked making the rainbow for ‘r” Finlay.
‘I liked making the mouse mask for ‘m” Jack.
‘I like listening to stories’ Sofia.
During maths week the boys and girls went outside.
‘I liked making numbers from stones and leaves’ Harlen.
Pupils had fun collecting items and sorting them. We also looked to find different shapes in the environment.
Please look out for the next set of sounds in school bags this week. c,k,e,h,r,m,d
Pupils will also have a sheet with the alphabet, showing how we form our letters at school. Please don’t worry if your child does not know all the letters yet.
Many thanks. The P1 team.