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NURSERY - Fun and Learning at Home

Counting and Measuring with Lego

For a simple activity use 20 or more lego duplo blocks in various colours and write the numbers 0-20+ on the sides of them, using a permanent marker. On the opposite side of each draw the corresponding number of dots so that they can be counted to match the correct amount. Lay them out on the floor with the numbers showing and set the challenge to build them into a tall tower in the right order. L.1. I have explored numbers, understanding that they represent quantities, and I can use them to count, create sequences and describe order.


Rhyming Pairs Game

Make a simple rhyming activity to help practise rhyming pairs and learn about literacy in a playful, hands-on way! L.1. I explore sounds, letters and words, discovering how they work together, and I can use what I learn to help me as I read and write.

Practise hearing and identifying rhyming words for example, making a collection of rhyming words that all belong in the “-at” family, such as “cat”, “mat”, “bat”, “sat”, “fat” etc.

This makes learning more concrete and playful. Children learn best while touching, moving and doing, rather than looking at a worksheet or set of 2D images.

Playmobile figures or small world toys are ideal for this game. Some suggestions for rhyming words;

goat and boat

man and fan

chair and bear

snake and cake

cat and hat

duck and truck

fox and box

mouse and house

car and star

dog and frog


Football Buzz

Football Buzz is running online sessions for children during lockdown. If you are interested in your child participating in the free online sessions you should contact:  L.1. I am enjoying daily opportunities to participate in different kinds of energetic play, both outdoors and indoors

And remember you can access more play and learning ideas at,uk/wl/snonursery


‘If you see someone without a smile,

give them one of yours’


EC Nursery Team


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