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Coding and Dancing in P7A

We were lucky enough to have a visit from a coding specialist last week. Miss Gurung, from Edinburgh University sparked our creativity and critical thinking skills when she asked us to identify different popular dances through code. We then had a chance to demonstrate the code through dancing and show off our moves. The final ... Continue reading "Coding and Dancing in P7A"

Snapshot of Learning in P3B

We have been taking part in "choral counting" in Number Talks. We count together as a class, usually skip counting, and then we look for patterns. Miss Marra asks us the questions "what do you notice? What do you wonder?" This gives us the chance to talk about patterns and share our strategies. In this ... Continue reading "Snapshot of Learning in P3B"

Sharing the Learning P2

Yesterday, Primary 2 shared some of their learning with their grown ups. We showed them our pre recorded assembly which they loved. Then we shared what we had learned about Scotland . Some of the activities included, designing tartan kilts, tasting shortbread and listening to Scottish music. Photos below capture some of these moments.

World Book Day in P3a

On Friday 3rd March we got to dress up or dress down for World Book Day. We also read books and wrote some stories of our own. We then used the spinner which chose three people to read their stories out to the read of the class.

Learning In and Around The Hive

We were looking at different ways to learn some new numeracy and maths skills. We took our learning outdoors and Henry was looking for different shapes in the woods. Kayden and Aria were doing a times tables challenge. They were asking each other a times tables question then looking for the answer in the sand. ... Continue reading "Learning In and Around The Hive"

Learning in P2/1

P2/1 had a really great time in their Judo taster session last week. Everyone was tired out at the end of it! The pupils enjoyed working together. We were very excited to share our learning about Scotland with our parents and carers this week. We showed our jotter work, built Scottish castles, designed a Nessie ... Continue reading "Learning in P2/1"

Coding Angles in P7A

As part of our pupil led exploratory work recently, the pupils had agency to create and code an angle in whatever way they wanted to. Some coded their angles on Micro:bits, some chose to create dances with angles through (Dance Party) and some used Scratch. Take a look at some of our creations below. ... Continue reading "Coding Angles in P7A"

Red Nose Day 2023

Red Nose Day is almost upon us once more and we are asking 5pupils to do their bit by 'Wearing Red From Toes to Head' this Friday,17th March. Please try to wear your red, (even if it's just socks!) and bring a donation if you can - all money raised will go directly to help ... Continue reading "Red Nose Day 2023"

Literacy in P3B

We have been taking part in stations this week to help us read and write "ou" words. We enjoyed our learning activities and could talk about how they help us to remember how to read and write our words. We used play dough to make our words. We completed a word search to help ... Continue reading "Literacy in P3B"

Egyptian Learning in P3a

This week we have been learning about what jewellery was worn by Ancient Egyptians. We found out that both men and women wore necklaces, bracelets and earrings. We started to create our own Ancient Egyptian necklaces.

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