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Primary 6A and Primary 6B World War 1 Learning

Last Thursday Primary 6 pupils had their first digital lesson with Alan. Alan has worked closely with our school in the past to support learning about the Great Wars. Our first session focused on the main causes of the First World War. He told us all about the events that took place prior to the ... Continue reading "Primary 6A and Primary 6B World War 1 Learning"

P3 Magnet Work

The pupils were given magnets to explore and see what they could find out. First they found items in the class which the magnets would stick to and some that it didn't. Then they worked in bases to experiment with the magnets. Some used them to make cars move while others found that they could ... Continue reading "P3 Magnet Work"

WW1 in P6A

In P6 we are all becoming thoroughly absorbed in our WW1 IDL context, with lots of pupils able to share stories about family members who have been involved in both World Wars and some pupils bringing in artefacts to share with us. This week, 2 pupils chose to get creative and brought in these amazing ... Continue reading "WW1 in P6A"

Learning in P4

We have been continuing to look at The War Years as part of our new topic in class and we have been having some great discussions from this. We looked at photos from around the time of World War 1 and discussed in groups what we thought they were and what was happening in them. ... Continue reading "Learning in P4"

This Week in P5...

In P5B we are continuing to try out lots of different reading strategies and are continuing to learn about the structure of a recount piece of writing. In numeracy we are continuing to work on our mental/written multiplication and division strategies. We have been looking at what fractions look like in everyday life and how ... Continue reading "This Week in P5..."

Primary 1

It's been another busy week of learning in Primary 1. Well done to the children in P1b for sharing their Scots story at the assembly last week. Everyone worked hard to learn their words and they shared the story beautifully! Congratulations also to all those who learned their Scots poem. We have all been learning ... Continue reading "Primary 1"

Dividing in The Hive

For Numeracy last week we were learning how to divide. We linked our knowledge of the times tables to help us, completed some work station tasks and also used crisps to help our dividing skills!

Learning to Read in The Hive

At the beginning of the week we all go down to the Literacy room to choose our reading books for the week. Mrs Grieve and Mr Fazakerley point us in the right direction for the level we are reading at, then we get to choose which books we will read that week!

Discovering Angles

P7A used their prior knowledge of angles to create and identify different types of angles through folding paper. We managed to create and identify the properties of most of the angles; there was a bit of problem solving involved when it came to the reflex angle! We used our communication and problem solving skills to ... Continue reading "Discovering Angles"

P6 Art Project

On Monday February 21st, P6A and P6B took part in the Almondell Cemetery Memorial Artwork project. Visiting artist Svetlana Kondakova specialises in public and environmental art and has been commissioned to create a piece of art for the cemetary at Calderwood with the help of our P6 pupils. Svetlana Explained the concept she had in ... Continue reading "P6 Art Project"

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