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P5/4 & P5 ⭐️⭐️

This week both P5/4 and P5 have worked very hard⭐️. They have created fact files on their favourite animal, learned the bus stop division method with remainders and engaged in live quizzes. They were set a challenge to create a model from recycled materials and to build a sustainable house for the three little pigs. ... Continue reading "P5/4 & P5 ⭐️⭐️"

Primary 1

Good morning Primary 1. Thank you for all your hard work in school and on SeeSaw. Your models, pictures and poems for Scots Week have been super. This week we have continued our phonics work, learning the new sound 'th' and practising 'sh' and 'ch'. We have been learning number bonds to 5 and 10. ... Continue reading "Primary 1"

This week in P4 remote learning edition

Hi everyone, This week in P4 we have been learning about Time in numeracy and doing a range of activities in literacy from descriptive writing to reading and understanding a text. It has been great to take part in a range of science and art activities as well as see some photos of pupils playing ... Continue reading "This week in P4 remote learning edition"

P4/3 Remote Learning

We have been learning lots over the past fortnight. In Literacy we have written descriptions, imaginary stories and worked on our reading comprehension in lots of different ways. In Numeracy we have been practicing our hardest tables and taking part in Sumdog challenges. In Maths we have been learning about 2D & 3D shapes, developing ... Continue reading "P4/3 Remote Learning"

P3 Remote Learning

WOW P3! You have had an amazing week! We have been so impressed by all your fantastic learning. We have been learning a poem in Scots. Using Scots words..and French words!.. to describe the weather. Learning how to use speech marks. Using arrays to work out multiplication problems. Looking at non- fiction texts about polar ... Continue reading "P3 Remote Learning"

P2A Remote Learning

You have been working so hard on your learning at home Primary 2A! I have been so impressed with your hard work on Seesaw and in class this week. In Literacy, we have been learning to read and write soft g words. You all worked so hard to write a fantastic description of a family ... Continue reading "P2A Remote Learning"

Primary 2/1 Remote and Classroom learning

Well done Primary 2/1 on a super effort on Seesaw and in the classroom. Primary 1s, in literacy, we have been learning the sh, ch and th sounds and you've done a fantastic job on this. In numeracy you've been learning about measure and ordering from shortest to longest and measuring using cubes. Primary 2s, ... Continue reading "Primary 2/1 Remote and Classroom learning"

P7 and P7/6 Remote and Classroom Learning

Can we start by saying how impressed we have been with both P7 and P7/6 during their Remote and Classroom Learning. Really engaging with every task and demonstrating great perseverance and resilience. We are very proud of your efforts. Last week we covered a wide range of outcomes and activities including What features and organisation ... Continue reading "P7 and P7/6 Remote and Classroom Learning"

PE Daily Challenge Day 57

PE Daily Challenge - Day 57 Today's challenge set by @LinejsJen asks you to show determination and resilience whilst throwing with accuracy. Can you make an adult a cuppa by throwing a teabag into a mug from a step away? ☕ How far back can you throw a teabag in from? — West Lothian ... Continue reading "PE Daily Challenge Day 57"

PE Daily Challenge - Day 58

PE Daily Challenge - Day 58 For today's challenge from Mrs Davidov of @MidCalder_PS & @KirknewtonPS you will need a creativity and some upper body strength Can you create an obstacle course which you can army crawl through whilst keeping control of your body? — West Lothian Primary PE Network (@WLPENetwork) January 27, ... Continue reading "PE Daily Challenge - Day 58"

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