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PE Home Learning 08.06.20

Good morning everyone, Well done again for all your hard work during Health Week and congratulations to Langton! This week's PE is in a grid with some new games that you can play, a throwing and catching development challenge grid and ideas for different ways to remain active! ECPS PE Grid P1 - P4 08.06 ... Continue reading "PE Home Learning 08.06.20"

P4/3M Home Learning

Morning P4/3M, This weeks home learning grid has a theme. Enjoy! Miss Melaisi Week 10 P4.3M

P4S weekly Learning Grid 8.6.20

Morning everyone. Slightly different learning grid this week as all tasks are linked to Theme Parks. You have to create your own Theme Park, write a leaflet to give people information on your park, design and draw your favourite ride, create a menu for a restaurant and lots more fun activities. Extra Maths task will ... Continue reading "P4S weekly Learning Grid 8.6.20"

P6Y Grid and Resources

Good morning P6Y, Here is your grid and resources for the week. Happy learning. See you all on Thursday at 1pm for our weekly quiz, the questions can be about anything you like this week. Miss Young. Examples Manifestos to read Extra Challenge - Line Graphs Home Learning grid 8.6.20 Interpreting data line graphs ... Continue reading "P6Y Grid and Resources"

P1 Home Learning

Hello P1! We hope you had a lovely weekend. Ms Boyes posted a picture of a peony flower a couple of weeks ago. Here's one more flower for you..isn't it beautiful? It's called an iris. Here is the grid for this week. We hope you have fun doing the new activities. We have a Space ... Continue reading "P1 Home Learning"

The Great Science Share - Week 6

Well Waste warriors, how did you get on last week? Did you get creative with your household waste? Did you find out how far your breakfast travelled to get to your plate? I managed to find eggs that were laid less than 2 miles from my house so will be using that farm in the ... Continue reading "The Great Science Share - Week 6"

N-P1 Transition Task - Week 4

Week 4 Transition Task We hope you are enjoying the transition tasks so far - it has been lovely to see and hear about some of the activities you have been doing based around the stories we have shared so far This week is another story for you. It's called 'Charlie and Lola - I ... Continue reading "N-P1 Transition Task - Week 4"

P1 Assembly 8.6.20

Here is the Fischy Music Assembly for this week. East Calder Primary School gets a little shout out! (It doesn't start until 5 minutes into the video). Have fun singing along today...

P2W Home Learning

Hi everyone, Thank you for sending in all of your wonderful work. Here is some of your hard work from last weeks home learning grid (week 10). In Maths, we have been working hard to learn our times tables and how to subtract. We have created our own posters and games to help us do ... Continue reading "P2W Home Learning"

NURSERY - Sports Day at Home

Hello Everyone, June is usually the month we have our Nursery Sports Day with the children. We don't want them to miss out on this fun event and so for this week's Fun Learning at Home we are suggesting they have their own safe one at home with family. Please take photos and share with ... Continue reading "NURSERY - Sports Day at Home"

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