We are pleased to welcome the Travelling Book Fair back to East Calder Primary. The book fair offers a wide range of affordable books for all ages. It helps us to promote the joy of reading and foster a love of books. It also allows us to fund raise to buy more books for our ... Continue reading "The Travelling Book Fair returns!"
This we we were working on the Meta Skill Social Intelligence. This meant we were communicating, collaborating and leading. We listened to the story Jack and the Beanstalk and thought about the characters and main points. We discussed how the characters would act, what they say and talked about how the story would be better ... Continue reading "P3A Hubs Week 2"
P1C enjoyed their skills hub. We learned about percussion instruments through a listening game. Then we made shakers from recycled materials and rice. We listened to a piece of music shaking our shakers to the beat. We had a discussion about critical thinking and creativity skills and everyone was able to identify when they had ... Continue reading "P1C Innovation Hub"