This week we have been completing lots of work inspired by the story Ruby's Worry. It will be used for a West Lothian Council Creativity in Literacy Competition. Please see Sway to find out about our learning. P3A Creativity in Literacy We based our competition entry on the book Ruby's Worry by Tom Percival. This ... Continue reading "P3A Learning"
Victorian Artefacts in P6 We were fortunate enough to have a visit from West Lothian Museum services this week. Linking with our current Social Studies context we enjoyed an afternoon of Victorian artefacts! The class were allowed to handle a lot of the items and were amazed to see how things have progressed since Victorian ... Continue reading "Victorian Artefacts! P6"
Donate your old Devices! Got any old smartphones, tablets, routers, gaming consoles, cameras or laptops and cables that you no longer need? Don't know what to do with them and don't want them going to landfill? This could be the answer! As part of our Eco learning on sustainability, East Calder Primary is joining with ... Continue reading "Donate your old Devices!"