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Colin or Cuthbert? Expositions- P6

We have certainly been on a journey in P6 and the question that started it all...who is in the right, Colin on Cuthbert? We used a topical news story about one supermarket suing another supermarket to explore our spoken and written expositions - starting with some fact finding, moving onto debates and then progressing to ... Continue reading "Colin or Cuthbert? Expositions- P6"

Our Curriculum in the Recovery Phase

Curriculum in Recovery Phase

Primary 1

It has been another busy week in Primary 1. On Wednesday it was Numeracy Day and we all had a great time following a numeracy trail in our playground. We have continued to learn about money, recognising coins and counting amounts. We continue to practise writing sentences, this week about bees, bugs or going to ... Continue reading "Primary 1"

This week in P4!

This week in P4 we have taken part in lots of different numeracy activities as part of National Numeracy Day on Wednesday. We watched videos of people explaining how they use numbers and maths in their job. We used our maths skills to complete a maths trail in the playground and we made some art ... Continue reading "This week in P4!"

National Numeracy Day- Maths Trail

Maths looked a little different in P7 last week. As part of National Numeracy Day we looked some STEAM clips which demonstrated how Maths is so important in the World of Work. We heard from Scientists, Data Analysts, Builders, Bankers, Chefs and Engineers. Who knew Maths would touch upon so many different career paths! We ... Continue reading "National Numeracy Day- Maths Trail"

This week in P4!

This week in P4 we have been busy working on our genre of writing this term - Explanation texts. We can talk about the features of this text and what these should look like. We have continued to work on using money and discussed budgeting this week so we could see how much things cost. ... Continue reading "This week in P4!"

Sports Day Leaderboard 03.06

The children have been jumping, running and throwing to earn points for their house. It is very close between all four houses!

Sports Day Leaderboard 04.06

The lead changed three times yesterday but Langton finished the day on top again!

This week in P4!

This week in P4 we have been busy working on fractions in numeracy and looked at symmetry during our active maths lesson. We discussed our explanation text this week and wrote about how gliders and hang-gliders fly. We worked together on our learner agency activities where children chose to show their learning in a variety ... Continue reading "This week in P4!"

Learning in P1

This week in P1 we have been very busy learning more about our senses. Some of us have been discussing our favourite meals and what foods are sweet, sour, salty and bitter. And some of us have been talking about our eyesight and making some super glasses! In maths, we've been continuing to skip count ... Continue reading "Learning in P1"

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