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P6 Book Week

Using our class novel, Light on Dumyat we applied a range of reading strategies to read and understand texts, for example, skimming, scanning, predicting and summarising. We read in a range of styles from paired to choral to echo and individual. We tried to read with increasing fluency, understanding and expression, using appropriate pace and tone.


We also visited the school library where we identified Non Fiction texts associated with our IDL context, Natural Disasters. Also in the library we pair read with our P2 buddies, so using the skills of reading to a different audience. We welcomed Mrs Stewart to our class as our Secret Reader who read a very interesting version of Little Red Riding Hood!


On Thursday we made community links with our local Library and enjoyed an afternoon of a variety of tasks all linked to our reading benchmarks and outcomes.


Finally, as part of the Book Week competition we all chose a book to either create our own version of the cover, blurb and spine or replicate it as closely as possible. As you can see from the photos we have some amazing artists!



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