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Learning in P3/2


We have been learning to estimate in Numeracy and we have been taking part in esti-mysteries once a week. We have been enjoying our learning and we work in random partners. One of our co-created Success Criteria was to use what we know about number to help us estimate. We talk about number throughout and use prior learning such as addition, subtraction and multiplication.

This amazing learner asked to lead our esti-mystery and supported Miss Marra with questioning. She got people talking about their estimate and explaining why they chose that number.



We write our estimate and change it throughout the esti-mystery as we work our way through the clues. More often than not, we have to change our estimate depending on the clues and we are provided with opportunities to share our answers.


This is our reaction when the answer is revealed.  We then talk about our final estimate and compare strategies.                                                                                                                                         

In Literacy, we are continuing to work on identifying and using adjectives. We have worked in random partners to write sentences with adjectives, highlight adjectives in a passage and add missing adjectives to a passage.

We are use our learning to develop our confidence using adjectives in our writing. We can all explain what an adjective is now and we can give an example. We have been working very hard!

Article 13: We have the right to find out things and share what we think with others. 

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