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Welcome Back Primary 1!

We hope all our families had a lovely break.  Primary 1 have quickly settled back to our class rules and routines and appear to be taking changes in their stride!

In Numeracy this week  we have been revising shape and addition, and in Literacy learning two new sounds ‘j’ and ‘z’.

Next week is Scots Week and we’re looking forward to lots of stories and activities in Scots!  We’ll also begin to send home reading bags with books to practise reading.  If your child’s black book bag is still at home please send in on Monday, many thanks.  Arriving home on Monday will be two Scots poems.  Please help your child select one and learn it.  We’ll also practise at school and will hear all children say their poem on Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th of January.  This will also be posted on Seesaw.

Many thanks

Mrs Forbes & Mrs Murdoch

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