P7 Learner Agency
Following on from the success of our first Learner Agency task where the class planned, evaluated and took forward our Road Safety Assembly that we shared with the whole school P7 decided to instigate another active task. We discussed what Learner Agency meant to them and they came up with words such as choice, empowered, responsible, active and independent. These are all key values of Learner Agency.
Learner Agency is more personalized learning. It empowers the children to influence their own path. By encouraging P7 to take initiative, they enhance their ability to take control, increase motivation, and ensure they respond to their own activities. They develop the ability to organise themselves, employ strategies that help them to become effective learners and how most importantly to take their learning forward. These are all skills that they will need to develop as they make the transition to S1.
Or current context is Charities and Communities and the class decided to use this as the basis for their Learner Agency activity. We briefly discussed possible Learning Outcomes and within their groups they created their own Success Criteria. Each group has been allocated a display space and will present their learning here as well as using other media to share their creations! I have already witnessed ICT, Drama and Art and I cannot wait to see each groups final presentations….Watch this Space!