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P2/1 Remote Learning week 8th-12th February

Well done on a fantastic week of learning!

Primary 1s, in Literacy/Phonics we learned a new sound ‘ee’ and practised sounding out cvc words with the sound ‘n’ such as nap, neck, nut and net.  In Maths we learned more about telling the ‘half-past’ time and we also learned about using Tally Marks correctly in Data Handling.  In Numeracy we had fun learning about working out the missing Addend which is a number that is added to another number.  In Health and Wellbeing we completed some activities learning more about the meaning of Respect and what makes a Kind Friend and in Science we learned about Forces and Push and Pull.

Primary 2s, in Literacy – Phonics and Spelling – we learned about words with magic e and an ‘o’ and also soft ‘c’ words.  In Reading Comprehension we worked hard on our Inference skills and in Writing we completed the ending to our imaginative story.  In Numeracy we learned about missing Subtrahends (a number to be  subtracted from another number) and we also learned about halves and quarters in Fractions.  We also learned more about division and how to make equal groups of 4.  In Health and Wellbeing we learned about what makes a Good Friend.

I’m really proud of all of your hard work.  Well done.

Mrs Meikle

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