Amazing Learning in Primary 2A
Wow! What an amazing week of learning we have had. Well done for all your hard work this week as always. I am so proud of all your efforts and your positive attitude towards your learning. This week, we have been learning to read and write magic e words with an i and we have also been working hard on Reading Comprehension. In Writing, we have been learning to write the midde of a story, following on from our introductions from last wek. Your stories are looking fantastic so far! I can’t wait to read your endings. In Numeracy, we have been working hard in number talks and we have been learning about fractions this week. You found some great examples of halves and quarters at home.
Here are a few examples of your wonderful work.
Jaysiel wrote a fantastic middle to her imaginative story with capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. She also used connectives and wrote great descriptions. Well done Jaysiel:)
Max worked hard to calculate the missing addends in Numeracy this week. He did a great job counting on to work out the answers. Well done for working hard on this Max and for creating some of your own missing addend problems.
Ollie worked hard on this magic e roll, write and read task. You worked hard Ollie and you managed to write and read some new magic e words too. Well done!
This is Evie’s creative approach to this week’s STEM challenge. It has been amazing seeing everyone working so hard to be creative with these challenges every week. This week, we had to build a bridge using construction or any other materials at home. Well done for thinking outside the box Evie! It looks like your bridge was definitely strong enough for Nala to stand on. Fantastic work!
Keep up your hard work everyone. Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday:)