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P2A Remote Learning

You have been working so hard on your learning at home Primary 2A! I have been so impressed with your hard work on Seesaw and in class this week. In Literacy, we have been learning to read and write soft g words. You all worked so hard to write a fantastic description of a family member this week. I saw lots of brilliant connectives which was our Success Criteria challenge. Next week we are going to begin writing an imaginative story.

In Numeracy we have been learning to make equal groups. You all know this means you were dividing and this week, we have been learning to divide by 2. You used concrete materials at home to practise sharing equally and I was impressed with how hard you all worked on this task. We have also continued with our number talks too.

I am glad so many of you asked for more French target tasks and you all put in so much effort to your French learning this week. I have loved seeing everyone being so creative in your learning. Here are some examples of your amazing work on Seesaw.

Alex worked really hard to build a house for the Three Little Pigs. This was Mrs Beattie’s STEM challenge this week. Super effort Alex!


Isla used her nail varnish collection to spell soft g words. I love her creativity and she has a very impresive collection. Super spelling Isla:)


Harry read this book himself at home this week. I am very proud that you were practising your reading Harry and choosing to read a book for enjoyment:)

Jaysiel worked hard to sequence numbers from smallest to largest in Numeracy. This was a great challenge and you could order all the numbers in the correct order. Well done:)


Have a great weekend everyone:)

Article 29: We have the right to develop our talents and abilities.

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