Aargh Primary 2A!
In Primary 2A, we have been learning about pirates as our Topic. We were very excited to receive a letter from a real pirate who is going to help us with our learning.
We decided what we would like to learn about pirates and some of our questions have been answered in the interesting non-fiction book we have been reading. We even learned about some real famous pirates from the past. Blackbeard sounded the scariest. We wrote fantastic descriptions about him in Writing last week. Well done to Oscar C, Matthew and Isabella who were our amazing Writing stars last week. I wonder who will be the Writing stars this week?
Our pirate also asked us to learn about why pirates have flags on their ships. Well done to Hugo who knew that the reason for this is so that other ships would know pirates were approaching and the flag would scare them. Our pirate asked us to design a new flag for her ship using black paper and oil pastels or chalk. We used no more than two colours each and we did not share to make sure everyone was safe. We used pictures of pirate flags on the Smart Board to help us with our designs. We worked very hard and did an amazing job! We are still waiting to find out the winner. That will be a very hard decision.
Article 13: We have the right to find out things and share what we think with others.