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The Great Science Share - Week 4

What did you investigate last week? Did you go on a nature scavenger hunt? I went out with my son and we found 3 millipedes in the garden, and we even found a toad under the hedge! This was the most interesting as we don’t have any water near us so we investigated this! It turns out that toads live away from water in leaf litter and log piles and they can even dig shallow burrows. Wow!

This week our theme is Waste Warrior Week

We, as a society, are very wasteful. Can you investigate what happens to our waste?

How are food and household items produced?

How far does your food have to travel to get to your plate?

How long does it take for different types of plastic to decompose?

How can we reduce, reuse or re-purpose our waste? What can you make or create?

Can you grow any vegetables at home? (There is a great way to re-grow some types of vegetables – I regrow spring onions by popping the chopped off root into water and letting them grow again! Can you try this?)

Remember and tag me in your Teams post or email your investigations into school!

Have fun saving the planet Waste Warriors!

Mrs Beattie

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