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PE Daily Challenge - Day 59

PE Daily Challenge - Day 59 Today's challenge from @PEwithMrMillar looks for determination and resilience whilst developing your coordination. Can you alternate your thumb and fingers pointing up without twisting your hand? ☝️ — West Lothian Primary PE Network (@WLPENetwork) January 28, 2021

Social Story - Lockdown

Hi boys and girls, parents/carers! I hope you are all doing okay. Here is a Social Story to help you understand a little more about what is going on just now. Take care, Miss Baldacci.

Learning in P1

Hello everyone. The boys and girls have been very busy this week. We've been learning about time. We have been ordering the months of the year, the days of the week and have been learning to tell the time 'o'clock' on our analogue clocks. Our new sound this week was 'wh' and we've been learning ... Continue reading "Learning in P1"

This week in P4

This week in P4 we have been learning a lot! In Literacy we have worked on Spelling, writing imaginary stories, working on questioning through reciprocal reading and creating ideas for a new story through Author's Live. In Maths, we have been focusing on the properties of 2D and 3D shape, tiling and symmetry. We have ... Continue reading "This week in P4"

P4/3 Remote Learning

This week we have been doing lots of learning. In Literacy we have been working on our spelling using 'th', we created questions about a text titled 'Great women who made history'. We watched an author's live with Andy Stanton and used his character Mr Gum to create ideas for our own story. We then ... Continue reading "P4/3 Remote Learning"

P3 Remote and Classroom Learning

We are so proud of all of the amazing work that P3 have produced this week. We have been bowled over by the continued enthusiasm for online learning and the incredible work happening at home and inside the classroom. This week, we have: Counted groups of 5s and 10s to help us with our times ... Continue reading "P3 Remote and Classroom Learning"

P2B Weekly Wall of Work

Good afternoon everyone, I would like to say how impressed I have been with everyone's work this week. You have all worked your socks off and shown a lot of resilience. I am very proud of you all and the hard work that you have been putting in. Thank you again to all parents/carers who ... Continue reading "P2B Weekly Wall of Work"

Amazing Hard Work in P2A

Well done for all your hard work again this week. You are all putting so much effort into your learning and I am so impressed. Thank you to everyone who has been supporting your child at home too. This is really appreciated. We have been working so hard this week in Literacy, Numeracy, Health ... Continue reading "Amazing Hard Work in P2A"

P2/1 Remote and Classroom Learning

Well done to all of Primary 2/1 for such hard work this week. I enjoy seeing the one or two of you in class each week and all the rest of you on Seesaw. Thank you for all of your photos and videos as well as your hard work - these give me so much ... Continue reading "P2/1 Remote and Classroom Learning"

This week in P4

Hi everyone, This week in P4 we have been learning how to write a discussion text and looking at the skills involved in this. We have worked on clarifying in our reading roles and looked at questions we would ask characters. We were able to retell stories through our reading task. In Maths this week ... Continue reading "This week in P4"

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