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Life Skills in The Hive

On Friday we decided to have a Friday treat. The children decided that they wanted to ice and decorate biscuits. Only problem was, we had no icing or biscuits in The Hive!! So, we decided to take a trip to Tesco to get what we needed. Great life skills , great fun, and delicious!

P6- Outside School Achievements

Congratulations! What a great award to win, Most Improved. We can't wait to see you tap skills. A great achievement. We are all proud of you.

Primary 4A Class Pet

Primary 4A are learning all about gerbils. In class we have been researching gerbils and how to care from them. We have been gathering information from a range of texts, including leaflets and websites and using our notes to create a PowerPoint. On Monday we cleaned out our class pet for the first time. Team ... Continue reading "Primary 4A Class Pet"

Living our Pedagogical Principles in P7 & P6

Have a look at our collaborative display across Primary 7 and 6. We are showcasing how we use and live our Pedagogical Principles in the upper school at ECPS. We are so proud of the pupils and we always enjoy witnessing their rich discussions. Play in the upper school has become an important part of ... Continue reading "Living our Pedagogical Principles in P7 & P6"

Primary 2/1

P2/1 have done a great job of settling into the new school year. We have had great fun exploring our new classroom and getting to know our new classmates. In maths, we have been sorting. We listened to the story 'Handa's Surprise'. Handa had lots of different fruits, so we wondered how we could sort ... Continue reading "Primary 2/1"

This week in P2

We have been working hard on our new topic of 'Animals around the World' and learning about Pets this week. We looked at what different pets need to have to be healthy and safe. We also looked at creating out own 'What am I?' clues for different pets. We have continued writing descriptions and looking ... Continue reading "This week in P2"

P3 Learning

This week we have been learning to count, trying to use the most efficient strategy. First we had to estimate the amount of items in the bag and then had to count them. Most of us started counting in ones but Harrison decided it would be quicker to count in two's. Once he explained his strategy ... Continue reading "P3 Learning"

Free Writing Friday

Primary 4A were busy writing in class today during 'Free Writing Friday'. Every week learners use this time to create a text of their choice for enjoyment. Salt also enjoys this time when our learners are focussed and she is always very active and inquisitive. She enjoyed watching the children writing and the children found ... Continue reading "Free Writing Friday"

Primary 4A Number Talks

Primary 4 have been working on identifying patterns in our choral counting this week. We counted in 2s and 3s and identified interesting patterns as a class. We also worked on finding different calculations to create our target number in our 'broken calculator' challenge. Learners tried to find the most efficient ways to create a ... Continue reading "Primary 4A Number Talks"

Learning in Primary 4A

This week we have been learning about descriptive language and planning to write our own descriptions. We started by writing descriptive vocabulary to describe our class pet. We then organised descriptive words into groups. In teams we made a description bubble for our class writing wall. We used words to describe the colour, size, number, ... Continue reading "Learning in Primary 4A"

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