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School Improvement Planning

We've passed the 1/2 way point of this session (already!) and will soon be seeking parental views and opinions for next session's school improvement priorities. A reminder for what we've been working on this session: SIP 2020-2021

March 2021 - Newsletter

Please find below our March Newsletter for parents. March 2021 Newsletter

This week in P4

What a fabulous week again P4! You have all worked so hard with your learning either in school or at home. We have looked at writing a discussion text and thinking about our arguments for and against a topic question; measuring in maths including measuring length, capacity and mass as well as practising our times ... Continue reading "This week in P4"

P4/3 Remote Learning

This week we have been continuing to learn to write a discussion text. This week we wrote a text about 'Should animals be kept in zoos?' We planned our work by writing key words under the headings 'for' and 'against' and then used these notes to write our full discussion text. We have also been ... Continue reading "P4/3 Remote Learning"

Class Learning in P2B

Hello everyone, We have had a super first week back at school following our period of remote learning from home. We have managed to come back to school with a positive attitude and with a hunger to learn. This week we have shown resilience to come back to school and get back into a routine, ... Continue reading "Class Learning in P2B"

P2/1 Learning this week beginning 22nd February 2021

Welcome back class Primary 2/1. You have settled in well to your routines this week and it's been lovely to see everyone again. This week we focused on overlearn of some of the numeracy and language learning we did during Remote Learning period and we also learned some new things. Primary 1, in Language we ... Continue reading "P2/1 Learning this week beginning 22nd February 2021"

West Lothian SumDog Contest

We are currently 9th out of 355 schools in the West Lothian SumDog Contest, keep up the hard work P6! Well done to everyone who has contributed so far!

P5 & P5/4 World Book Day

Yesterday was World Book Day. P5 and P5/4 worked very hard. Everyone led their learning and chose how they wanted to complete each task. We are super impressed with the creative ideas and different formats used to complete all activities. Excellent examples are shown below.

This week in P4!

What a great week in P4 again! We have learned a lot about homophones, planned and written a discussion text and completed lots of activities all about World Book Day. Thank you for sending photos of yourselves reading your favourite book and for taking part in the activities. We looked at reading in unusual places, ... Continue reading "This week in P4!"

P4/3 Remote Learning 1.3.21

This week we have been continuing to learn to write a discussion text. This week we wrote a text about 'Should animals be allowed in schools?' We planned our work by writing key words under the headings 'for' and 'against' and then used these notes to write our full discussion text. We have also been ... Continue reading "P4/3 Remote Learning 1.3.21"

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