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Glow Blogs

Choral Counting in P3B

We have been doing a choral count almost every day. We take pictures and put them on our Numeracy Wall. We like to spot number patterns and we write them beside the choral count. We like to change the numbers each time we do it. On this one, we were counting in 4's. Sometimes, the ... Continue reading "Choral Counting in P3B"

Happy Campers

P7 are having a smashing time at Lockerbie Manor, in spite of the weather. Lots of fun and adventures. Mrs Stewart and Mrs Donnelly are off to visit them today and will share another update tomorrow.

P1 Learning

This week we have been learning our new sound 'ng' and have been writing some descriptions. We've been trying really hard to remember capitals, finger spaces and full stops when writing sentences, and some of us have been using joining words too. We are continuing to explore Our Five Senses and have had fun playing ... Continue reading "P1 Learning"

P7 Residential to Lockerbie Manor

P7's are having a great time at Lockerbie Manor for their residential - learning lots of new skills, making memories and having new experiences! Here are some photos of their shenanigans this week P7 Residential to Lockerbie Manor Go to this Sway

P3a Egyptians

We have been learning about Ancient Egyptians and drew pictures of the Pharaoh Tutankhamen. He became Pharaoh when he was eight years old and died when he was eighteen. We researched and recorded our facts on our Seesaw accounts.

Numeracy and Maths in P2

This week we have been looking at all the resources we have and reminding ourselves how we can use these in our learning.

Working and Playing hard in and around The Hive

We have had another very busy and successful term in The Hive. The children have been working hard on their Literacy, Numeracy and social skills in a variety of different ways. Henry enjoyed using our numicon materials to help him enhance his addition and subtraction skills. Kayden and Aria were focusing on times tables. They ... Continue reading "Working and Playing hard in and around The Hive"

P7 Raffle!

Our Primary 7 pupils have been busy! They used their persuasive writing skills to contact businesses to help fundraise for our leavers' hoodies. We were overwhelmed with the response, please have a look through some of the incredible prizes. Pupils will be selling raffle tickets from tomorrow (18th April) in school, they are £2.50 a strip. ... Continue reading "P7 Raffle!"

P6 Sharing the Learning

We would like to thank everyone who came to our Sharing the Learning on Wednesday. It was great to hear the class talking with such confidence and expertise about their particular Station activity. Thanks to all those who were brave enough to try our Victorian assessment,Easter egg prizes have been dispatched!

Compass Directions

This week we have been learning about using a compass and giving directions. We each made a compass and gave directions to our partner to move them around the class. As it was such a nice day we took our learning outside and directed our partner around the playground. We had to make sure to ... Continue reading "Compass Directions"

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